How to get Started
We can do all of it or just the parts where you need help. Here are some pointers and remember, I can make myself available to answer specific questions and give you a no-obligation quote. Contact me either by phone (954-630-8192) or email
Where do I start?
The first thing you need to do is get your manuscript into shape. Don’t worry that it isn’t perfect. It’s easy to edit a manuscript; the important thing is to get your story down.
What software do I use?
Microsoft Word is a good way to write and edit your manuscript. So is WordPerfect or any mainstream word processing software, and any computer platform will work fine. You probably have the software you need on your computer now. Get started.
What about pictures?
Photographs can add impact and information to your story. Scans should be high resolution (300 dots per inch is a good standard for quality reproduction). Save those scans as TIFF or EPS files. We can scan and image the photographs for you as an option.
How much does it cost?
All of our books are created specifically for the author’s needs and wants so we don’t have a simple price list. We offer a variety of sizes and options to meet any budget, and our unique process allows you to oversee production of your book every step of the way. We encourage writers to have their manuscript copy-edited and we insist on a proof read of the final text. If you have a manuscript that follows a story line with a beginning, middle and end you are off to a good start.
How many books do I need?
We recommend printing a minimum of 50 copies, and if it’s a book of interest outside your friends and family, then 300 is a good number to start with, but the sky is the limit. If you end up with a best seller, more books can be ordered later. We can print any quantity of books.