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You’re Something Else

by Gene Kruckmyer

Readers of You’re Something Else may discover some curious things about themselves and others.

They will find out that a female wolverine is an Angeline, a recently married man who had been a committed bachelor is a Benedict, and Jess is a thin strap used in falconry to tether a bird on a training glove.

These and more than one thousand other first names have been collected for this fun, informative, and sometimes surprising resource.

Once you start noticing these names, you’ll see them everywhere.

A Child at War

by William Sterling Williams

Unlike what occurred in France, Great Britain, Russia, and other countries concerning World War II, very little, in comparison, has been written about the experiences of those in the Kingdom of Norway.

“Years after my mother died, I found a bag full of notes that she had written to herself about the war. It looked as if she were trying to simply get it all out of her system.

After some time, utilizing the notes, I wrote this book to tell her story about her experiences in the Kingdom of Norway during World War II. It is based upon real life situations from her memories and what she was told.” —William Sterling Williams

In the Time of the Flash

by W.G.Hladky

On a day like any other, a series of powerful coronal mass ejections hit Earth and fries much of the
planet’s tech infrastructure. The world doesn’t collapse overnight, and Abigail Tate, a Chicago-tough
university student tags along with her newfound wealthy half sister to Miami for spring break.
But once there, she discovers South Florida has become a
dystopian cityscape of prey and predator. A drug called Wisht runs rampant, distorting minds and morphing bodies. Violent cults called Malforms relentlessly battle each other and hunt Goodfolk in competition with genetically engineered cat-size Komo Spiders, a dangerous EPA failure. And solar storms keep striking Earth, slowly pushing Florida into a new version of the Middle Ages.
Abagail’s only hope of survival is a group of Miami-Dade sheriff’s deputies who save her during a shootout between two cults. The problem is her half sister got left behind in the rescue—and finding her is not the deputies’ top priority.
Searching for a mysterious Father Benoit is, and they won’t divulge why. In the meantime, she becomes entangled in
government conspiracies, religious zealots and a surprising new passion: aiding the deputies in protecting those who can’t
defend themselves.

Coming Soon