The First 84 Years

Our Books

The First 84 Years

This autobiography is written on doctor’s orders. After a lifetime of good health, the author suffered a serious brain stroke at age 80. His neurologist urged an intensive effort to recall and record life experiences as a practical recovery therapy.
Once underway, a greater purpose emerged. Bob and his wife, Anneli, have six grandchildren living all over the world. They are all relatively young. When they mature, it might be an interesting and useful experience to learn how their grandparents lived in the 20th and early 21st centuries.
On balance, the author is grateful for his good fortune, and generally proud of his accomplishments. Most of all, he is leading an enjoyable life. What more could one ask?
—Robert Ward Ganger
Robert W. Ganger is a retired corporate executive, business consultant, author, historian, public activist, and former Vice Mayor of his home town of Gulf Stream, Florida. He is an alumnus of Yale University and the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.


Robert W. Ganger

Publication Date

July 2020

