The War Inside His Mind

Our Books

The War Inside His Mind

In his first book, When Paris Was Dark we met Alain, a five-year-old child, living in Paris during the Nazi-occupation and learn of his story of fear and courage, despair and determination. WWII ends along with this first book, leaving Alain with new challenges in his adult life.

In Y.M. Masson’s newest book, The War Inside His Mind, A Soldier’s Battle to Erase the Emotional Damage of Combat, Alain, now an infantry lieutenant in the French Algerian war, learns the reality of combat but has to witness atrocities, many of which were directed at innocent children. Alain accumulates a heavy baggage of horrible memories he will have to take back to civilian life, if he makes it back alive.

It is now available on, click here for your copy!


Y.M. Masson

Publication Date

May 2020



Author's Website

The War Inside His Mind